Driving Tour February 2023

Saturday, February 18, 2023 – Blue Ridge, Georgia

First Driving Tour of 2023! It will be on February 18th, 9AM to 4:30PM, MEET TIME IS 8:30 AM, departing promptly at 9 AM. We will start and end at the Village Green Shopping Center in Farragut with a round trip to/from Blue Ridge, GA. Driving will be about 2.5 hours and about 100 miles each way, and we’ll have about 2.5 hours in town. Lots of places to eat and retail to look at it. There will be no organized dining, so folks will be free to pick and choose. Those that want to stay the night or longer are free to do so outside of the PCA umbrella.

As an added bonus, our visit will coincide with the Fire & Ice Chili Cook Off and Craft Beer Festival. This will bring plenty of live music, ice sculptures, chili and craft beer. One will be able to purchase upon arrival a $10 tasting card to sample the competition.

Please RSVP by Thursday, February 16th: baughbob@yahoo.com. Please include the names of those in your party, a cell phone number, and car information (year, model & color).

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