For the latest in Smoky Mountain Region events, check out our Calendar!

Socials for the Smoky Mountain Region are held monthly, split between Tuesdays and Thursdays to accommodate schedules. They usually involve a Happy Hour from 6 to 7 (PM), then sit down dinner, and are normally at a local favored restaurant. Some Socials are more special and involved, such as the Christmas Social or New Member Welcome Social.

If you are on the region’s email list (which you should as a PCA member), you will receive monthly emails with the details of that month’s social, and RSVP method. Socials are posted to the SMT Calendar as they are finalized throughout the year. Please join us for a Social, and see why “It’s not the cars, it’s the people”.

A drive out is usually a one-day event comprised of driving some of the great roads we have here in east Tennessee with a stop for lunch somewhere along the way. The Smoky Mountain Region is also known to hold overnight drives so that we may experience roads a little further. Some drive outs are overnighters, extending the fun and distance travelled.

The drive outs are always carefully planned by a “tour meister”. You can expect nice curvy roads, wonderful scenery, and great friends.

Autocross is a sport of trying to navigate your car through a defined course of pylons usually on a large parking lot, faster than your competition. Autocross courses are set up using soft orange traffic pylons which will not damage your car, but they do melt! Events are run at speeds usually between 40-65 MPH, usually in 2nd gear. Autocross is a “performance driving event” and a safe way to learn how to drive your car at its limit. You not only learn how to handle your car at speeds that you drive daily, but you will also:

  • Gain confidence in your driving ability
  • Learn the limits of your car’s brakes
  • Learn correct seating, hand, and feet positions
  • Learn the limits of your car’s tire adhesion
  • More details are available at Autocross Defined

Finally, Autocross is a social gathering of new and old friends and LOTS OF FUN! The SMT Autocross schedule can be found on the Calendar Page.

A sub-group of Smoky Mountaineers has been getting into track events, with about a dozen or so regulars. The Track Rats hit about two-four events a year, mostly PCA sponsored “High Performance Driver’s Education” events in the southeast.

These are highly regulated, safety-oriented opportunities to see what these cars were built for. Check out our SMTPCA HPDE page for an intro, some tips, and an FAQ.

Spring Thing
is one of the longest running multi-events held by a PCA region, spanning over 40 years. This event begins with arriving at the event on Friday afternoon followed by socializing into the late evening. A Concours is held Saturday morning followed by lunch and a TSD Rally. An Awards Banquet is held Saturday evening (autocross trophies are given Sunday after that event), and then Sunday it is time to don the racing gear and go autocrossing. A great weekend of Porsche activities.

A concours is a judged event where cars are prepared to “as delivered” condition. Points are deducted from a maximum possible value based on condition and cleanliness. Various concours rules are used depending on the level of competition. The annual Porsche Parade concours is the highlight of the concours schedule. Further details on Concours is available here.

Besides the many Smoky Mountain Region events, there are many PCA National, Zone-level, and other regions’ events worth attending. These include the

Please see the Zone 3 Calendar of Events and the PCA National Event List for current listings and details.

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