2014 Executive Board Ballot

It is time to vote for the Executive Board. Below is a sample ballot.


A printed ballot will be available in the upcoming November printed newsletter.
You may also RIGHT CLICK  and SAVE to your system the 2014… Continue reading

October Autocross Results

October autocross at Splash Country.

Bo Whaley 924 DNF 68.542 65.493 63.880 63.256 63.390
Bob Saville 914/6 56.485 55.856 54.655 54.000 54.632+2 54.619 Mens FTD
Clyde Peery 911 64.000+1 61.902 60.420 59.465 58.535
Joe Hoagland Boxster 75.436 72.560 –… Continue reading
