Porsches & Horses 2021

July 24th, 2021, Red Heaven Ranch

We are happy to announce a new event, Porsches and Horses 2021. Club members Tim and Tami Purcell have graciously invited us to their ranch in Lenoir City (614 US-70, Lenoir City, TN) for a social on July 24, 2021! Now that we are putting the pandemic behind us, we are making this a very special event. Arrangements have been made to have a band, as well as catered BBQ.

The purpose of this event is two fold.

  • First, we would like to welcome all of our new members that have joined since January, 2020.
  • Secondly, we would like say Welcome Back to all of our members!
    This will mark the start of the resumption of all club activities.

On the 24th, we will have a short 2-hour driving tour from 2 to 4 PM ending at the Red Heaven Ranch on Hwy 70 just outside of Lenoir City. At the ranch, we’ve arranged for both a band and catered BBQ. In addition, Harper Porsche will be bringing some of their cars down for display. This will be a great opportunity to socialize and enjoy a late afternoon and evening of food and music in a very picturesque setting. The only thing that you’ll need to bring along is a lawn chair. Shelter Road Band, lead by Doug Freels will be playing and Ken Collins will be providing smoked pulled pork, chicken, baked beans, slaw and potato salad.

The cost of this event is $25 per person for members. As a way of welcoming our new members, they will not be charged. Please RSVP to Bob Baugh at baughbob@yahoo.com by July 9th with the following information:

  1. Attending driving tour (Y/N)
  2. Attending dinner & festivities at Red Heaven Ranch (Y/N) and number attending
    Checks can be made payable to SMTPCA and mailed to Bob Baugh at 413 Moser Lane, Knoxville, TN 37934.
    More details regarding both the driving tour will be provided closer to time.

Check out Red Heaven Ranch itself in their promotional video below.

Video Credit: Tim Purcell. This video was not created as part of a PCA event so the drone footage is A-OK. We cleared it with National.

Mark your calendars now as you certainly won’t want to miss this event!

Communication on Drive Outs is key, as anything can (and has!) come up. In spite of the excellent cell phone coverage we are used to, many of the roads we enjoy are close to The Middle of Nowhere… with Nowhere coverage. The club has a set of radios, but they are designed for and work best at autocrosses (i.e., short range). Many members have purchased their own more powerful Dual Band walkie-talkies, and the BAOFENG UV-5R Two-Way Radio has been our “go to” unit. It’s powerful, easy to use, compact, and with a whip antenna can get up to 5km in range. Our preferred frequency is 462.612 MHz.

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