Event participants including club members, passengers, spectators, and all others on the premises are included as “participants” in the event. All participants are required to sign the “Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement prior to the start of any moving car event (drive outs, DE and track events, autocrosses and the like). Moving car events also include events where a car is raised on a lift or jack stands on the premises of the event.

Failure of any participant to sign the above release cancels all insurance for the event.

Minors: The “Waiver and Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement for Minors in Restricted Areas, Driving or Riding” must be signed by the parent or guardian. No other signatories are allowed and the signature requires a witness. The minor must also sign if possible. If the parent or guardian is not available on the day of the event, the form may be signed and witnessed in advance and turned in at the event.

These agreements have been sent to all club members for review, will be made available at the event, and are available here:

The good news….coverage for the participants. All participants will receive the following coverage:

  • Medical Expense Reimbursement – $1,000,000
  • Accidental Death – $25,000
  • Dismemberment (by schedule up to) – $25,000
  • Loss of income – $100 per week/52 weeks

There are lots of other provisions and questions can be directed to the President or other officers when necessary.

  • 270Hit Count: