MARCH 20, 2021

First autocross of the season, and it was a beautiful day at Greeneville Airport. We teamed up with Wilderness Trail Region, and had 28 drivers, a lot of spectators, and gorgeous weather. Rick and friends designed high speed outer loop with a slow and snaky centerpiece, and mid-40s second laps were the time to beat. Some C8 (beautiful car!) took the day this time, with Brian and Matt not far behind. Thanks to all for coming out and helping, and as always thanks to Eurotech for putting this on.

And remember: Next Autocross is APRIL 10, again at Greeneville Airport. Signup will be on motorsportreg.com. See you there!

See some great Second Session shots on the Wilderness Trail Website!

Bob’s run
That dang C8… Whoa.
Go Leo, GO!!
Tigger RIDES!!
  • 258Hit Count: