Social October 2019

OCTOBER 17, 2019

For October, we mixed things up a bit, and had our monthly social at Eurotech Knoxville’s new facility on Oak Ridge Highway. Rick and Janis opened up the garage, set up some tables, and the club provided some libations and brought a food truck on site. Cliff manned the bar, and the Eurotech Crew was on hand to chat cars and answer questions. Joey at Harper’s even brought by a new 992 to show off!

The shiny new facility provided a great mingling venue for 80+ in attendance, and a great time was had by all. Discussions were had, and we will definitely tailor some future socials along these lines, perhaps even some potlucks! Stay tuned!

(please excuse photo quality on some pix: The Big Camera was in Canada, and the Little One got drug through some caves the weekend before)

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