SMTPCA Cars & Coffee October 2023

October 21, 2023 at Beaver’s Dough Joe

We had another monthly informal Smoky Mountain Region Cars & Coffee, this time at Beaver’s Dough Joe in Karns. This Beaver is known for some really high-quality doughnuts and “Beaver Tails” (fritters) and other goodies and sells local coffee too. About 25 cars showed up, even a few “not Porsches” (Porsche… Lambo… Volvo…), and we also welcomed a number of new folks. “Newest Return to the club” goes to a 73 914, just recently restored in Imperial Green.

We parked, we schmoozed, we ate doughnuts, we drank coffee, and all had a great time. It was very encouraging that some younger folks showed up too.

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