SMTPCA Cars & Coffee August 2022

August 13, 2022, at Beaver’s Dough Joe

We had another sort of monthly informal Smoky Mountain Region Cars & Coffee, this time at Beaver’s Dough Joe in Karns. This Beaver is known for some really high-quality doughnuts and “Beaver Tails” (fritters) and other goodies and sells local coffee too. About 40 cars showed up, even a few “not Porsches” (Porsche… Ferrari… They both have horses on the logo!), and we also welcomed a number of new folks. “Newest to the club” goes to a 73 911, they have been here TWO DAYS and already attending club events.

We parked, we schmoozed, we ate doughnuts, we drank coffee, and all had a great time. It was very encouraging that some younger folks (like not legal to imbibe age) showed up. Apparently the 924s and 944s are a thing in that age bracket! Kudos for keeping them running, and thanks for coming out!

There was an “After Party” at Eurotech Knoxville where we got to see some interesting projects in the works. See you next time: Looking to head out east! And thanks to Suzan for many of these shots!

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