July Drive Out, Red Heaven Ranch


Club members Tim and Tami Purcell graciously invited us to their ranch in Lenoir City for a social and Band & BBQ Party! Now that we are putting the pandemic behind us, we made this a very special event. The purpose of this event was two fold: First, we would like to welcome all of our new members that have joined since January, 2020; and Secondly, we would like say Welcome Back to all of our members!

This Drive Out Party marks the start of the resumption of all club activities. Keep an eye on The Calendar for upcoming events. And keep looking, as there will some changes and additions soon.

We started with a short 2-hour driving tour ending at the Red Heaven Ranch, with Shelter Road Band rocking the fields, and Ken Collins rocking some BBQ with brisket, pulled pork, chicken, baked beans, slaw and potato salad. Harper Porsche brought some of their cars down for display, and we set up a historical line up of Porsches on the front field for all to see.

This was a great opportunity to socialize with new members, re-socialize with old friends, and catch up on all our goings on. Jamie and Rebekah even took delivery of their new Cayman GTS that morning, and finally “made it official” at the same time. This was and late afternoon and early evening of food and music and camaraderie in a very picturesque setting.

See you next time! Because It’s not just the cars, it’s the peopleNext event: Drive Out August 21st!

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