December 9, 2021
The 2021 Smoky Mountain PCA Holiday party was held Thursday, December 9 at The Foundry.
We milled and snacked, chatted about the year that was, all set to the fine sounds of our own in-house musician. After we socialized we sat down for a fine meal (Prime Rib and Salmon), and some fine desserts. Afterwards, we had some official reminiscing of the past year, and honored our Past President with a picture book of his tenure.
The Smoky Mountain Region was very active for 2021, considering the odds. Porsche Parade was a reasonable dirving distance away, we attended three Harpers Cars and Coffee, and had seven Single day drive outs, many were Pic-a-nic Socials as well. Membership is up, and we had a very successful Turkeys in the Trunk.
As you can see, this is a very active PCA region for its size!
This year’s party we had a great turnout, about 60 members showed up. Thanks to all that came out, to all that helped, and to all that help throughout the year to make this happen.
It is truly “Not the cars, it’s the people!”
Decorations all set Music cued up Get set: MINGLE! A lot of chatting going on Friends sharing goo times The folks keeping us in line “And then the wheel bearing slid in like…” “Ooh, good one!” Dinner called to order Mmmmm, Prine Rib Bob Recaps the year Teresa recaps Vaughn’s tenure And presented a memory book too.