February 26, 2022, Cumberland Mountain State Park
In spite of sketchy weather in the forecast (cold, wet, and possible sleet) about 30 cars showed up in Farragut for a drive up to Cumberland Mountain State Park near Crossville. The route was 124 miles in length with a 3-1/2 hours drive time. Our route took us through Lenoir City, Loudon, Sweetwater, Decatur, Dayton, and Pikeville, up and over Walden Ridge into Sequatchie Valley, then finally up the Cumberland Plateau Escarpment to the state park.
The ride was fun, and the roads climbing and descending the various ridges and such were quite spectacular to drive, and to view. Some extended the great road theme after lunch and took TN 68 through Grassy Cove on the way home. Lunch at state park was the Comfort Food buffet at the Homestead Harvest Restaurant. A classic CCC/CWA Depression era construction project, the restaurant and other buildings, as well as the dam for the pond outside the restaurant are all constructed of local sandstone.
We had a lot of new members on this tour, and we hope we made them feel welcome. Many said they had a great time in spite of the weather and look forward to the next event!
Gathering on an overcast day Chatting it up A new to us car! Our Fearless Leader! Future Porsche Drivers “When your Macan comes in, sell me this one!” DRIVERS’ MEETING! Adn we’re off Hitting the twisties Really twisty Annnnnnd… wet. Pit stop… Some chose to stay in the car Lots of Geology! And we took the place over BUFFET! And a view!