Drive Out to Murphy, NC, & Tail of the Dragon, 2017
Vaughn & Louise arranged another outstanding drive out, but broke his perfect record by not having any rain this time (YEA!). Mark and Bonnie had us up for dinner at their mountain cabin just outside of Murphy, and we all “potlucked” it for some fine victuals. Many thanks to Vaughn & Louise and Mark & Bonnie for making this happen.
After retiring for the evening, and a rousing breakfast of Waffle Omelette Sammiches, we took a scenic route to Fontana Dam, then to Tapoco Lodge for lunch. For dessert, we hit The Dragon on the way home, with two of us relinquishing our Porsches to our brides. They did an outstanding job, inflicting a little revenge… “Oh, who wants that Five Point Harness now? MuHAHAHA!”
- Convening at the Madisonville Hardees for our first pit stop
- On Hwy 68!
- At Mark and Bonnie’s, Mark guides us in
- “Dang…”
- “DANG! Is right!” Lake Hiawassee and The Smokies
- Mark did a fine job stacking us like cordwood
- Caprisi with fresh homegrown tomatoes and basil
- Social Hour!
- Because the photographer never gets in the picture!
- Smoker with a view… Sigh.
- Porch chat
- Any and all floor scraps were immediately “handled”
- Sitting about and chatting with dessert
- All good things must come to an end… Many thanks to Mark and Bonnie!
- Sunday Morning saw our numbers reduced
- And it was very foggy…
- But it cleared up!
- Another Pitstop, Fonatana Dam
- Dam…
- Dam Selfie
- Big Honkin’ tunnel spillways
- Power House and tailwaters
- A nearby island
- Slight issue when one part of the dam sinks two inches lower than the other
- Dam Porsches…
- Finally at Tapoco!
- The View of the Cheoah River
- c
- And then we are OFF TO THE DRAGON!!
- As we blew past the Tail of the Dragon Store
- Most traffic was southbound, leaving us many uninterrupted stretches
- Tennessee Welcome Committee
- Ahh, Hairpins!
- One not so uninterrupted stretch… He pulled over.
- Wendy bringing up the rear!
- The view from the rear
- Documenting the event
- And Johnny Law was out in force, as we blew on by! It was a great Drive Out!
- Sweet Porsche Dreams…