Day Drive Out Petros Rockwood 2021

April 17, 2021 – We met about noon after the Board Meeting at Harpers Auto Wash, we gathered about 50 people in 25+ cars and did The Paperwork, Drivers’ Meeting, and split up into two groups. Bob and Penne laid out a very nice “around and through the mountains” route, again with some “new to many of us” roads.

We travelled through Oak Ridge and Oliver Springs, then hopped onto the Devil’s Triangle (TN 330 & 116), going up and over some mountains and through the valley. First Pit Stop: Brushy Mountain Prison. Then we picked up 27 to 229, then 70, to our second Pit Stop, a lovely Kroger in Kingston. After some windy, scenic, sort of unknown roads, we toured TN 95, a local favorite, past Melton Hill Dam, then hit the Interstate for the last few miles home.

Great drive, and good weather made this one another HIT! Many thanks to Bob and Penne, and to all the group leaders and sweeps. If interested, here is the route.

Next one is on the books for May 15th, to Cumberland Gap National Park.

  • 186Hit Count: