May 15, 2021 – Blaine’s Food City was our Start/Stop point, where 17 cars met, did The Paperwork, Drivers’ Meeting, and got on our way. Beautiful weather was requested and delivered, and Teresa laid out an excellent course with gorgeous views, long pastoral scenes, and some twisties to keep it interesting.

We made it to Cumberland Gap National Park, and after a pitstop headed up the mountain to the Pinnacle Overlook. Expansive views were the order of the day, crossing three states. after the “Oooh! Ahhh!” we hit the pic-a-nic pavilion for a nice pic-a-nic of dining and socializing. After that we hit some fun roads home back to the Food City and then off to Carolina Ale House for some Post-Trip commentary and ruminating.

Great drive, and good weather made this one another HIT! Many thanks to Teresa for planning this out!

  • 177Hit Count: