Christmas Party 2022

DECEMBER 9, 2022 – The Club at Gettysvue

The 2022 Smoky Mountain Region PCA Christmas Party was at The Club at Gettysvue in West Knoxville on Friday, December 9. We had an excellent turnout, and started it all with libations and appetizers. After mingling a bit, we then had a nice buffet of Roast Beast, Salmon, and quite the selection of sides and veggies. Then we had a short program with dessert.

The Smoky Mountain Region was again very active for 2022, with many Driving Tours, Over-Nighters, Socials, and such. Porsche Parade was a reasonable driving distance away, we attended Harpers Cars and Coffee, and had our first SUV and Ladies Only Driving Tours. Membership is up, and we had a very successful Turkeys in the Trunk. As you can see, this is a very active PCA region for its size!

This year’s party we had a great turnout, about 65 members showed up. Thanks to all that came out, to all that helped, and to all that help throughout the year to make this happen.

It is truly “Not the cars, it’s the people!”

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