December 6, 2018
Our 2018 Smoky Mountain PCA Christmas party was held Thursday, December 6 at the Southern Depot.
We milled and snacked, reviewed the year in pictures, all set to the fine sounds of a quartet. After we socialized we sat down for a fine meal (tenderloin and salmon), and had some speakers review the year.
This year we had a great turnout, about 50 members showed up. Some reminisced about “the days when” the Christmas Party could fill a table. It is good to see the club doing well!
Thanks to all that came out, to all that helped, and to all that help throughout the year to make this happen. It is truly “Not the cars, it’s the people!”
- Strike up the band
- Snackies!
- The photog never gets in the shot…
- Chat, mingle…
- Mingle, Chat…
- Chat, chat, chat…
- Time for seats!
- Wendy, et al., made some ornaments
- Table toppes!
- Vic gives his last report
- Speaker from Kingsood, and Assistant
- Club Donation to Kingswood
- Outgoing DIrectors
- Enthusiast of the Year!
- Rich’s Past President Award