JUNE 15-16, 2019
We assembled 9AM sharp at a rest stop, then caravanned to the General Francis Marion Hotel in downtown Marion, VA. Lunch met us at the Hotel, then we were off to do the Back of the Dragon (32 miles/438 curves!) to Tazewell, VA. After that, we were on our own, and some went back to the Hotel, others lingered, and still others ventured further.
The Hotel bar was open for us at 4:00PM where we told stories and watched Porsche do well at Le Mans, then dinner was served after that. Some found the ice cream shop for dessert, and then wandered about downtown. The Sunday return was on our own: some really went out there on their own!
Great times, good planning, and good fun for all. Good job, Vic!!
- Congregating at the rest stop
- Load ’em up!
- Made it to Virginia!
- Destination: The General (2)
- Downtown east
- Downtown west
- One Ringy-Dingy…
- And LUNCH!
- Marion had some “interesting” architecture
- Now queuing up for The Dragon
- And we’re off!
- And… we’re behind a slow poke. He scooted over.
- Porsches to the back of me…
- Porsches to the front…
- Scenery at speed
- Lucille!
- Rocks!
- Scenery!
- And, we made it to Tazewell
- Parking for a spell
- “…and seven thousand dollars later…”
- We’re home!
- More fun with architecture
- Cool old one
- The Love Shack
- Neat old church
- Them a few of us went to Burke’s Garden, on Route 666
- For whom it is named
- It’s a big fertile bowl surrounded by a ring of mountains
- A breached doubly-plunging anticline if you must know
- Mountains!
- Back at the Speakeasy…
- Stories and drinks did flow
- Then Dinner!!
- Fine menu selection, all one of them!
- Then off for Ice Cream!
- And walking about downtown
- Yes, please…
- Random art
- Sunday, on the way home, nice scenery on back roads
- Welcome to Saltville!