Heard Round The Zone November 2019

Hello to the growing membership of Zone 3! As of October 31, 2019 we are at 8387 Primary Members or 4.6% net growth for the year! I am excited to tell you that your Zone 3 Presidents have been working hard to coordinate events for 2020 and the result of that labor is that the Zone 3 Calendar will be populated with the “Big Events” for 2020 by the end of this month. In fact, the Big Events of the Zone are already on there through the month of May 2020 in order to give you a jump start on your attendance planning for the first part of next year. A few nuggets to be aware of with this project:

  • The Zone 3 Calendar is a multi-Regional planning resource and is not to take place of your Region calendar or be an exhaustive list of anything to do with Porsche
  • It’s really for the larger or 1 time events in the Zone that members from other Zone 3 Regions may want to attend
  • It’s not static as not all events are known even during a calendar year so keep checking back for updates
  • For more detail on a given event, please reach out to that host Region; most questions can be answered on the host Region’s website
  • If you don’t see an event for next year that you think meets the above criteria check with your Region President for guidance

Although an important goal for the Region Presidents was to avoid conflicting dates; with only 52 weekends a year, 3rd party venue availability and 16 active Regions its just not possible for zero conflict. We were able to avoid some conflicts by sharing our event calendar planning early and over time, tighter coordination should keep conflicts to a minimum. I hope you find this project of value as you plan your 2020 PCA activity within (and sometimes outside of) the Zone.

We are such a busy Zone the only way you can keep up is check your local region website. You can always check the Zone 3 Website calendar (HERE) but the local Region website is always the go to for all events happening in a given Region. A handy source for all Region website’s in Zone 3 is located HERE.

2019 isn’t over…….

Select Upcoming Events: (For DEs login to clubreg after you click on the link and you will go right to the event registration page)

Carolinas DE at VIR November 22-24 details HERE

Coastal Empire DE at Roebling Road December 7-8 details HERE

Check various Region websites for their local Holiday Parties which are usually in the December and January time frames.

Go Drive It!……Rod


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