Hello Zone 3 PCA Members! The Regions in Zone 3 are in full activity mode with so many events going on around our little neck of the woods. Special Congrats to Palmetto Region celebrating their 50th Anniversary in April and Smoky Mountain their 45th!

The Honda Indycar Grand Prix of Alabama event put on by Alabama Region was huge and the Police Escort drive of some 50 Porsches from Porsche Birmingham to Barber Motorsports Park was very cool.

Our only club race in the Zone, The Peachstate 225 (a podium picture above) took place earlier this month with Peachstate Region executing another well attended and well run weekend bringing back a 3 day Advanced Solo DE at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta as well.

Select Upcoming Events:

Musik Stadt Region May 18 7th Annual Concours in the Park details HERE

Barber Historics May 17-19 check Alabama Region website HERE

Carolinas Region May 24-26 Sommerfest and Sand Hills Motoring Festival Pinehurst, NC details are on clubregistraton.net

Heart O’ Dixie is supporting Uber Region Fest June 7-8, check the Region website HERE

Mid South Region DE May 18-19 at Memphis International Raceway

Peachstate Region DE June 8-9 at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta register at clubregistration.net

Alabama Region DE June 15-16 at Barber Motorsports Park register at clubregistration.net

There are so many events going on and coming up the only way you can keep up is check your local region website. You can always check the Zone 3 Website calendar (HERE) but the local Region website is always the go to for all events happening in a given Region. A handy source for all Region website’s in Zone 3 is located HERE.

By May, I will have relocated to the Hurricane Region and looking forward to getting settled and then get on the road and attend some more events and hope to see you at one in the near future!


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