Spring is around the corner, upcoming events to attend!

Hello PCA Members in Zone 3! Rod Johnson here hoping you have been able to get a little driving in this year amidst a pretty wet first quarter. Congratulations to the entire Zone as we have continued to experience positive net and stand at 8,066 primary members through February. Special shout out to Peachstate Region in tying for 2nd among all 145 PCA Regions in total membership growth for 2018. No small feat there!

Many Regions have already held several events enduring the wet and cold of the season but as temps heat up activity will increase dramatically across the Zone. A few key ones coming up:

Peachstate Club Race and Advanced Solo DE April 12-14 Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta register HERE

Smoky Mountain Region is hosting it’s Annual Spring Thing in Greeneville April 26-28. Check out their website for details and registration.

Palmetto 50th Anniversary Celebration April 26-27 Charleston, SC more details HERE deadline is April 12.

Mid South Spring DE at Memphis International Raceway May 18-19 register HERE

Appalachian Adventure registration opens April 15 details HERE

Uber Region Fest V hosted by Trissl Sports Cars is June 7-8 check the Heart of Dixie Website Front Page for Details HERE

Peachstate DE at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta June 8-9 register at clubregistration.net

As you know, there are all kinds of events happening locally in each Region and I hope you take advantage of them.

As for me, it’s Sebring week and I’ll be there for the WEC 1000 mile race on Friday and the IMSA 12 Hours of Sebring on Saturday. The Porscheplatz will be my HQ and I’ll have on the PCA Club Racing hat in the picture below and my Zone 3 Rep badge just in case some of you might be attending too and want to say Hi, would love to meet you.

You can always check the Zone 3 Website calendar (HERE) but the local Region website is always the go to for all events happening in a given Region. A handy source for all Region website’s in Zone 3 is located HERE.

Hope to see you at an event this year!…..Rod

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