PCA Zone Reps and PCA Executive Council meeting at Parade 2022, PCA Club Coupe, GT4RS

Zone 3 continues positive member growth with over 9800 primary members thru June 2022. That is 347 net member growth for the first half of 2022!

Parade 2022 Kalahari Resort Over 120 Zone 3 PCAers converged upon the Poconos for this years PCA extravaganza called Parade. Lots of Zone 3 Region members scored well in the competitive events and you can see those various event results here: Parade Results 

On the National Awards front Zone 3 represented by winning the 2022 Public Service Award: won by Smoky Mountain Region further, 3rd Place in this category went to Carolinas Region. Congratulations as this award is among all 147 regions in PCA. Well Done!

2022 PCA Membership Growth Award Contest Update: Peachstate #4 in Actual Growth and Hurricane #3 in Factored Growth!!!

2022 Events are Up on Zone 3 Calendar!
The Zone 3 Calendar (HEREhas been updated with A BUNCH of 2022 events. Important to note the events shown may be rescheduled or cancelled so confirming with the host Region before the event is a good plan.
The Zone 3 calendar is focused on the major events that might attract members from other regions and is not designed to take the place of any Region’s website calendar. In fact, the Region websites will be even more critical to check for event information in 2022 as local ordinances will probably change throughout the year and may alter the nature of events or the ability for your Region to execute an event, but the local Region website is always the go to for all events happening in a given Region. A handy source for all Region website’s in Zone 3 is located HERE.

Select Major events for 2022 thru September:
July 15 12 PM Appalachian Adventure Registration OPENS Appalachian Region DETAILS 
July 15-16  PCA Friday at Keeneland Blue Gras Region and Concours Zone 13 Lexington, KY DETAILS CONCOURS INFO
July 24 AX #3 Carolinas Region Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, NC DETAILS
August 5-6 Summer Social Tennessee Region Mclemore Club Rising Fawn, GA details email rpetty@pettymarketing.com
August 14 6 HR SIM Racing at Le Mans Benefitting Operation Motorsport hosted by Carolinas Region DETAILS
August 26-28 Michelin GT Challenge at VIR PCA Hospitality DETAILS
August 18 PCA Hospitality Tent Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion DETAILS 
August 19 WERKS Reunion Monterey DETAILS
September 1-4 Rennfest Peachstate Region Brasstown Valley, GA DETAILS
September 2-4 Kentucky Weekend – Schwarzer Berg II Wilderness Trail Region DETAILS
September 2-4 Sportscar Together Festival Indianapolis, IN DETAILS
September 5 Registration Opens for Club Race Carolinas Region Carolinas Motorsports Park DETAILS
September 8-11 Appalachian Adventure  Appalachian Region Blowing Rock, NC DETAILS 
September 10-11 HPDE Carolinas Motorsports Park Carolinas Region DETAILS
September 10-11 HPDE REPAVED Roebling Road Coastal Empire Region DETAILS
September 19 Drive Your Porsche! Ferry Porsche’s Birthday
September 25 AX #4 Carolinas Region Michelin Proving Grounds Mountville, SC DETAILS
September 28- Oct 1 Motul Petit Le Mans PCA Porscheplatz DETAILS
October 1-2 HPDE Alabama Region Barber Motorsports Park Leeds, AL DETAILS
October 16 AX #5 Carolinas Region Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, NC  DETAILS 
October 21-23 PCA Club Race Carolinas Challenge Carolinas Region CMP Kershaw, SC DETAILS

Life is too short to drive a boring car….Rod      
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