Hear Round The Zone April 2024

Good Morning Zone 3!

I hope all of you are planning on attending this years Parade. Not sure that a parade in Birmingham has been this close to Zone 3. Registration for Phase II is open and I think you can still register for a room. Just so everyone is aware Sunday evening at City Walk will be a Zone party. Large banners will be erected for each of the 14 Zones. Please look for Zone 3 we will be doing a raffle for prizes!

Look forward to seeing all of you!


By the numbers:

Zone 3JanFebMarch
Coastal Empire448457455
Heart O’ Dixie294298301
Mid South279281285
Musik Stadt699708716
Smoky Mountain403405406
Tennessee 224224225
Three Rivers227230224
Wilderness Trail220223221

WOW! Zone 3 has added 100 new members first quarter of 2024!

Activities around the Zone!

For those attending Parade you may want to attend this upcoming Rally School hosted by Peachstate! Join us on Zoom on Sunday June 2nd as we grow through rally fundamentals along some differences, you’ll encounter with a Parade rally compared to our Peachstate rallies.  We’ll be going to a previous Parade rally instructions as a guideline for the school. Here is the Club Registration Link https://clubregistration.net/events/signUp.cfm/event/14518

DragonFest 2: The Wilderness Trail Region is hosting an exciting 200-mile drive to the Back of the Dragon in Tazewell, with a detour to Burkes Garden and an opportunity to drive through the Hayter’s Gap and The Channels Natural Area Preserve. This event is an excellent opportunity for Porsche owners to showcase the capabilities of their vehicles and connect with other enthusiasts who share their passion for sports cars. RSVP for an unforgettable adventure that will test your driving skills, provide you with a breathtaking view of the Appalachians, and let you experience the thrill of driving like never before! RSVP and details at https://wtrpca.org/events/

Autocross on May 26 with Wilderness Trail. Join Appalachian Region Autocross drivers at the May 26 Wilderness Trail Autocross event at Dave Crockett High School in Johnesborough, Tennessee.  The venue is just over an hour away and provides an Autocross event for Appalachian Region members to enjoy with other Porsche-minded drivers. Appalachian Region Autocross Chair Jake Kooser is coordinating this year’s Autocross activities. For more information you can reach out to Jake with this link, or go direct to the registration site at MotorsportsReg.

Magnolia Region – Porsche Jackson Cars & Coffee / Taycan Driving Event

Saturday April 20th 9am at Porsche Jackson, I-55N Jackson, MS 

Joins us for a catered breakfast and drive the incredible Porsche Taycan. 

Appalachian Region- Black Mountain Rag After-Perks Drive on May 8. The first After-Perks drive of the year occurs May 8 with Tour Leader Doug Menchhofer leading a guided tour along the Black Mountain Rag, a North Carolina Scenic Byway that will take you from Black Mountain to Lake Lure. Registration opens a noon on April 15, 2024. Click on this link to register.April 27 – Registration Closing for Luft Wasser Porsche Celebration in Brevard Registration closes Wednesday, April 17 for the Sixth Annual Luft Wasser (Air Water) Porsche Celebration in Brevard.  We are just two cars short of reaching capacity at 200 Porsches.  Help the Boys & Girls of Brevard by being one of the last two Porsches to register. Register for Luft Wasser now by clicking on this link.

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