Happy New Year to SMTPCA Members

2012 has come and gone and my first year of maintaining the Smoky Mountain Region’s web site is now history. If you enjoyed some of the changes I made this past year, just wait til you see what I have planned for this upcoming year!

Whether you like it or not, social networking is here to stay – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social networking sites are booming. Blogs are a convenient way to publicize a web site and to help gain followers. With that in mind, I am in the process of converting the Smoky Mountain Region web site to one of the most popular blogging systems used today – WordPress. Blog posts from this site will be automatically posted to Facebook and Twitter pages I will be setting up. If you have Facebook and Twitter accounts,  you will be able to link and “tweet” the articles to your pages which will be seen by your friends. Some of them will link as well and… that is what they call “viral networking”. My hope is that we not only gain more visits to this web site but that we also get more people interested in Porsche and joining the PCA! So go ahead and click LIKE there on the right.

WordPress is much more than a blogging tool, however. It has become one of the top content management systems (CMS) in use today and is evolving every day. To most of you, the framework of the site does not matter. But for me, WP makes it easier to present content in a pleasing, easy to use format.

I look forward to your comments and input as I introduce and implement new features to YOUR Smoky Mountain Region web site.


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