Fruit of the Vine Raffle 2023

Raise Funds for Our Favorite Charities The Fun Way!

Smoky Mountain Region is kicking off the Inaugural “Fruit of the Vine Raffle” to help raise money for the charities we donate to. Our own Droz came up with the concept and the board approves. The basic gist is that members will donate bottles of wine from now up to the Christmas Party (December 7) and at the Christmas Party they will be raffled off in groups of six. Here are the basics:

  • Collection of donations: Donations of wine bottles (red or white) will be collected at all club activities (driving tours, socials, cars and coffees, etc.). Empty wine boxes for transport and storage are easy to obtain and will be welcomed! Or you can contact Bob directly at and we can make arrangements for pickup
    Spice it up a little, perhaps Tour of France, Italy, Spain, or a special vintage/type you like.
  • Raffle Items: Bottles will be grouped in units of six, either as a mixture of Reds & Whites, or all of one. Bottles will be held till the Christmas party where upon we will raffle off the units. Number of units to be raffled off is subject to the generosity of the members.
  • Raffle Tickets: Will be available at $25 each (ticket price was based on a deep higher order statistical SWAG…) and will be sold at all of our club events up until December. Remember to write your last name and phone number on the back of the raffle tickets! Tickets can be purchased with cash or check (make checks out to “SMTPCA” with “KIDS” in the memo section).
  • THE RAFFLE!!! The Raffle Ticket Drawing will take place at the region Christmas Party December 7th. Winner does not have to be present: If your ticket is drawn, arrangements will be made to get your wine to you.

And some Fine Print

  • The Region will sell raffle tickets for $25 to members only.
  • The Region guarantees ten (10) winners.
  • The more wine that is donated, the more tickets will be drawn until all the wine is raffled off.
  • 100% of all proceeds will go to supporting the three charities that we support:
    Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge
    Knoxville Inner City Kids Outreach (KICKO)
    Kingswood Home for Children

Please consider helping those less fortunate through a donation of your favorite wine and the purchase of a raffle ticket. So, put on your Thinking/Drinking Caps, pick some of your favorite wines, and donate and buy tickets away!

Do You Know Your Wine Bottle Shapes?
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