Fall Fest 2014

It’s that time again! Time for our Region’s annual Fall Fest.

fallfest_logo14November 8-9, 2014

For additional event information, contact Janis Berry janisberry@frontiernet.net or Vic Rola vicrola1@gmail.com 865-207-4303

The 2014 event will be two parts.

On Saturday afternoon, a short drive-out will begin at Smokies Stadium, exit 407 on East I-40. You should plan on being there at about 1:30pm.
The tour will terminate at Pachangas Grille on Cherokee Lake in Jefferson City, TN at about 4:00pm. The facility will have a cash bar available, appetizers, and a meal for us. Excluding alcohol, the all inclusive price will be $17.50 per person.
There is no charge for the tour portion of Saturday’s events.

On Sunday, we will have an autocross at Splash Country USA. To defer site expense, we’ve invited the SCCA to join us. So, it is an open autocross.
For PCA classing, we will have trophies. Rick Berry and Vic Rola will do the course design and we hope to have the first car off at 10:ooam.
The charge per driver is $35.

Hope you make plans to join in!

Register by Wednesday, November 5, 2014 with Rich Neubauer rnflga@gmail.com or 407-491-3403
When registering, please provide number attending, names, events in which you will participate, car – make and model.

We look forward to your participation.

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