End of an era 2020


Well, 2020 has coming to an end and with it, my term as your Region President. Louise and I have really enjoyed providing leadership to this group of fine people and attempting to increase both the number of club activities for club members and the number of members participating in our activities. I have served as your Vice President for three years and President for two years. I hope we accomplished our participation goals during that time. Thanks to all of you that planned activities and participated. Nothing pleases an activity coordinator more than to have a great turnout of members participating in the activity on which they have worked. I think we made some great strides in 2019 and the beginning of 2020. We were going “great guns” until the pandemic caused us to curtail our activities.

Our officers and board have contributed greatly to our club for the past couple of years and I can’t thank them enough for their contributions. Also, we owe a special debt of gratitude to Matt Fischer who manages our web site, calendar, and newsletter contributions. He has done a great job.

I know that you will support Bob and Penne as you have supported Louise and I. They are going to make great leaders for us as we emerge from the limitations of the pandemic. Please continue to plan and participate in our activities and respond positively if asked to make a contribution of time and energy. Louise and I are not going anywhere and are looking forward to continuing to contribute and participate as well.

Finally, let me thank Louise who supported my service as a club officer with all of her many talents. Without her, our success would not have been possible.

Happy Holidays to all. We are looking forward to seeing more of you next year.


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