Driving Tour May 2024

Saturday, May 18th, Northwest of Knoxville

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 18th for a driving tour through Knox, Anderson, Morgan and several other surrounding counties. A portion of this drive will also include part of the Devil’s Triangle (Hwy 116) and a short rest stop at the historic Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary. This route provides lots of curves and scenery and should appeal to all participants.

Steve and Hannah Franklin will be the tour leaders for this event. Our meeting time will be 9:00 AM at the Kroger Marketplace in Oak Ridge (1550 Oak Ridge Turnpike). Following a brief driver’s meeting, the tour will depart at 9:45 AM. The trip itself is some 110 miles in length and the estimated drive time, including two rest stops is estimated to be 3-1/2 hours.

To RSVP, please contact Bob Baugh at baughbob@yahoo.com. The deadline for registering is Wednesday, May 15th. In your RSVP, please provide the following information:

  • Driver & passenger’s name
  • Cell Phone
  • Car Information (Year/Model/Color)

Nope to see you there!

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