Drive Out June 2021

June 26th, 2021 – 10:30 AM TO ~3:30 PM

Shine ’em up and gas ’em up! Let’s go driving!

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, June 26th for our next day tour. This tour will explore the roads and scenery northwest of Knoxville. Our starting and ending point will be the Kroger Marketplace in Oak Ridge. Our destination will be the Sgt. Alvin C. York State Historic Park in Pall Mall, TN.

In all, the tour will be some 155 miles and have a travel time of 3 hours (excluding rest stops and lunch). Tentatively, we plan to meet at 10:30 AM in the Kroger Marketplace parking lot in Oak Ridge. Following a driver’s meeting, we will depart at 11 AM and journey through the towns of Sunbright, Jamestown and Pall Mall. We expect a 12:45 PM arrival at the Sgt. Alvin C. York State Historic Park.

At the park, we have reserved a Shelter for a BYO picnic lunch and social time. Following lunch, we will depart and journey via an alternate route back to Oak Ridge with an arrival time of approximately 3:30 PM. Please note that tour details are currently being worked and subject to change.

Please contact Bob Baugh at to RSVP or for questions. Please include the names of those in your party, a cell phone number, and car information (year, model & color).

Communication on Drive Outs is key, as anything can (and has!) come up. In spite of the excellent cell phone coverage we are used to, many of the roads we enjoy are close to The Middle of Nowhere… with Nowhere coverage. The club has a set of radios, but they are designed for and work best at autocrosses (i.e., short range). Many members have purchased their own more powerful Dual Band walkietalkies, and the BAOFENG UV-5R Two-Way Radio has been our “go to” unit. It’s powerful, easy to use, compact, and with a whip antenna can get up to 5km in range. Our preferred frequency is 462.612 MHz.

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