Drive Out April 2021

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Wartburg – Rockwood Loop

  • Length: 140 miles
  • Drive Time: 4 hours (Including Rest Stops)
  • Meeting Time: 12:30 PM
  • Meeting Location: Harper’s Porsche

Join us at Harper’s Porsche on Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 12:30 PM (1:00 PM departure) for a 140-mile day drive that will take us west of Knoxville through Petros, Wartburg, Rockwood and Kingston. This route offers a combination of scenic country highways and lots of curvy sections thrown into the mix. Our drive will end back at Harper’s Porsche.

Our route will take us through Oak Ridge, Oliver Springs, Petros, Wartburg, Oakdale, Rockwood and Kingston. We will see plenty of farms, scenic vistas, woodlands and of course lots of curvy roads. As always, there will be something for everyone on this tour.

Since we are still in the midst of the pandemic, please plan to have lunch before the start of the drive as we will not be stopping to dine during the tour. While the tour officially begins and ends at Harper’s, if anyone is interested in getting together for dinner afterwards, we can discuss that at the trip’s end.

RSVP Bob Baugh at Please provide name of driver & passenger, cell number and car info (year, model & color).

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