Day Drive Out Picnic 2019

JULY 13, 2019

We have a one day drive out scheduled for July 13, just after the Cancelled Board Meeting, leaving from the Harper Detailing Building (across Parkside Drive from the Porsche dealership) at 12:30pm.  Be there by NOON to handle the Paperwork and such, and eat lunch before you come. At the end of the drive out we will have a Pic-a-nic and Cookout: The Club will provide the Hamburgers and fixins’, everyone please bring a Picnic Side Dish/Dessert to share.

We will enjoy an afternoon of driving some nice roads in the West Knoxville area, and end up at the Melton Dam Campground Picnic area for eats and socials.

Please RSVP to John & Linda at  Let them know if you are participating in the drive out (please provide driver name, co-pilot name, type and color of car, cell phone number, and email address) and if you are participating in the cook out and the number of people.

We would love to have you join us.

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