Autocross and HPDE Gathering 2022

February 12, 2022 at EuroTech

Happy February folks! From here on out, the weather is likely to fluctuate from great to not so great. Got to love East TN weather!

Coming out of the club survey, there was expressed interest in learning more and attending autocross and HPDE events. We plan to have a casual get together Saturday, February 12th at 10 am to talk about these events. We will be meeting at EuroTech (7223 Oak Ridge Hwy).

  1. We will talk about the current autocross situation and the opportunities to participate e.g. dates, locations, car requirements.
  2. Address any questions like “what if I have never done one”, “will it damage my car”, “why do orange cones create black marks when your car hits one….okay maybe not this question..which continues to be one of John’s).
  3. Talk about HPDE — where to find events, how to participate e.g. car prep

Those interested please RSVP to John McDermott (, so we can be sure to have enough coffee and donuts!

Happy motoring!

  • 208Hit Count: