Web Lackey

Feeder of birds, protector of cats, reader of odd books...

Club Opportunities 2021

or… How to Get Involved!

The Porsche Club of America – Smoky Mountain Region (PCA- SMR) needs your talents! Remember, It’s not just the cars, it’s the people…

The many events, activities and socials are only possible through the efforts… Continue reading

End of an era 2020


Well, 2020 has coming to an end and with it, my term as your Region President. Louise and I have really enjoyed providing leadership to this group of fine people and attempting to increase both the number… Continue reading

heard round the zone January 2021

Happy New Year!! The membership numbers are in for 2020 and Zone 3 grew at 4.8% and now sits at over 8800 primary members. Leading our zone in percentage growth was Wilderness Trail Region which grew at a whopping… Continue reading
