Autocross Events 2025

We have secured our Autocross site in Knoxville for 2025, and we are back at Pellissippi State Community College in Hardin Valley. The exact location is the parking lot to the left after entering the main entrance off Solway Rd. The dates are:

  • April 27, 2025: Stand-alone Autocross
  • June 8, 2025: Stand-alone Autocross
  • September 14, 2025: Stand-alone Autocross
  • October 19, 2025: Stand-alone Autocross
  • November 9, 2029: Stand-alone Autocross

The various details (registration via, schedule, announcements, etc.) will be forthcoming.

IN GENERAL Event Details: Course orientation (including walking the course) will start at 9:00AM followed by a drivers’ meeting at 9:30 and the first car leaves at 10:00. Early registration is $40.00 which covers the rental of the parking lot. On the day of the event, the entry fee increases to $50. Due to the fixed cost of running this event, no refunds will be issued.

As with most autocross events, if you are not driving in a session, you’ll be working making it possible for the others to drive. Your work assignment is typically working the course, watching for infractions and re-setting cones. There will be plenty of members there to help guide you in what to do and what to look for while working. These will be normal autocrosses with morning and afternoon sessions, about six runs each.

The autocross is open to all club members, including those for whom this will be their first autocross experience. Because autocross is held in a large, open lot with speeds under 55 mph and only one car on the course at a time, it is very safe. Given the open space and lower speed, autocross is also relatively easy on your car and no special preparation for the car is required. If you’re interested in learning more about autocross, but not yet ready to participate, please join us as a spectator.


  • 231Hit Count: