day drive out york state park 2021

June 26, 2021 – Oak Ridge Kroger was the place to start our 75 trek to Sgt. Alvin C. York State Historic Park for a pic-a-nic lunch. We had about a half dozen new club members along this trip, so welcome aboard! Four-laning through Oliver Springs and Wartburg, we hit some 2-lane twisty and scenic roads up and down the valleys along the Cumberland Plateau. First Pit Stop was at Historic Rugby, then on to the picnic pavilion at the park.

Bob and others broke out the checkered table clothes, and a candelabra appeared as well. Good times were had over lunch, and we talked up the next drive, Horses and Porsches at the Red Heaven Ranch. We tidied up, saddled up and hit the road back to Kroger, via our ubiquitous stop at a Hardee’s for a pit stop.

After our final stop, plans were made for heading off to Carolina Ale House for some Post-Trip commentary and ruminating. Great trip, perfect weather, and many thanks to Bob and Penne for heading this up.

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