2014 Zone 3 Events

Driver Education and Club Races

Alabama Region at Barber Motorsports Park:  March 1-2, June 14-15, December 13-14

Heart O’ Dixie Region at Talladega Grand Prix Raceway:  April 5

Mid-South Region at Memphis International Raceway (newly repaved last year):  May 31-June 1st. September 20-21

Peachstate Region:  Club Race/Advanced Group DE at Road Atlanta:  March 28-30, Road Atlanta DEs May31-June1, August 9-10, October 25-26, and at Atlanta Motorsports Park (Tentative):  May 3-4

Carolinas Region:  both Club Race and DEs at Carolina Motorsports Park ??  and at Virginia International Raceway:  ??

Coastal Empire Region at Roebling Road Raceway:  ??


Multi-Region Events
Tennessee Region Winterfest in Chattanooga:  February 14-15

Smoky Mountain Region Spring Thing:  April 25-27

Carolinas Region Sommerfest in Ashville:  July ???

Peachstate Region Rennfest in Young Harris, GA:  August 29-September 1

  • 127Hit Count: